Remote Wireless Infrastructure

Industry: Finance, Multibranch Large Enterprise
Products: Multi-WWAN 3G router, 3G modems, Loadbalance, link aggregation, failover, Cellular antennas & RF amplifiers
Region: Various across rural U.S



A large privately held non-bank owned Mortgage Company approached us early one Friday afternoon to provide remote wireless Internet solutions to several new branches under construction in rural markets across the U.S. Many of these locations were well past their grand opening and for many the deadlines were rapidly approaching. T1 roll outs were in weeks to months! By monday afternoon RfWeL had enabled basic Internet in 5 locations and with a few tweaks had VPN and advanced networking features available end of day monday.

By the end of week all locations within several miles of a cellular tower offering 3G data service were lit up. By the careful selection of cellular carrier, antenna, antenna orientation, amplifiers and enterprise-class multi-wan routers we were able to create a highly redundant, highly scaleable and high speed network that clearly wowed and eased the worry of edgy management.


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